I just got the free firecracker starter kit from X-10 and now I'am hooked. Execept for the starter kit I have no hardware and curious to what you home auto gurus think is the better choice; X-10 or Z-Wave.
While I may built my system up slowly, I think it will eventualy be somewhat extensive. I have a small home [2000 SF] and would think most of the lighting and heat will have controls. I also plan on dabbing a little with video survilliance.
From my limited use with the firecracker kit I know I want 2-way devices with good software [leaning towards homeseer] From what I read I know 2-way absorbs more signal and alot of 2-way devices may have problems. What is the defention of "a lot of 2-way devices"? Also is it true that z-wave devices do not support 2-way commuincations? And will polling from the software be an effective way around this problem?
If a go with the X-10 solution [it seems the cheaper way to go] what type of switches do I buy, and where to I get the cheapest price? From what I read I should stay away from X-10 products and that the best are from SmartHome.
I am trying to hold off on buying any products till April, cause I believe when I win the z-wave starter kit my decesion will be that much easier
Any and all advice apprecated. Thanks
While I may built my system up slowly, I think it will eventualy be somewhat extensive. I have a small home [2000 SF] and would think most of the lighting and heat will have controls. I also plan on dabbing a little with video survilliance.
From my limited use with the firecracker kit I know I want 2-way devices with good software [leaning towards homeseer] From what I read I know 2-way absorbs more signal and alot of 2-way devices may have problems. What is the defention of "a lot of 2-way devices"? Also is it true that z-wave devices do not support 2-way commuincations? And will polling from the software be an effective way around this problem?
If a go with the X-10 solution [it seems the cheaper way to go] what type of switches do I buy, and where to I get the cheapest price? From what I read I should stay away from X-10 products and that the best are from SmartHome.
I am trying to hold off on buying any products till April, cause I believe when I win the z-wave starter kit my decesion will be that much easier

Any and all advice apprecated. Thanks