Hooked on Home Automation


I just got the free firecracker starter kit from X-10 and now I'am hooked. Execept for the starter kit I have no hardware and curious to what you home auto gurus think is the better choice; X-10 or Z-Wave.

While I may built my system up slowly, I think it will eventualy be somewhat extensive. I have a small home [2000 SF] and would think most of the lighting and heat will have controls. I also plan on dabbing a little with video survilliance.

From my limited use with the firecracker kit I know I want 2-way devices with good software [leaning towards homeseer] From what I read I know 2-way absorbs more signal and alot of 2-way devices may have problems. What is the defention of "a lot of 2-way devices"? Also is it true that z-wave devices do not support 2-way commuincations? And will polling from the software be an effective way around this problem?

If a go with the X-10 solution [it seems the cheaper way to go] what type of switches do I buy, and where to I get the cheapest price? From what I read I should stay away from X-10 products and that the best are from SmartHome.

I am trying to hold off on buying any products till April, cause I believe when I win the z-wave starter kit my decesion will be that much easier :) .

Any and all advice apprecated. Thanks

While Zwave is not a bad option, keep in mind that X10 is a more mature technology, you don't have Zwave motion sensors yet, mini remotes, and much more. X10 has been 100% reliable for me, but you do have to invest in some hardware such as a good couler/repeater, avoid x10 light switches at all cost, and if you really want to go for top of the line stuff, go for the lightolier stuff which Martin is selling now.
Avoid X-10 light switches at all costs?

That's bad news, I would think 80% of the set-up would be light switches. Are they really that big of a problem? Do the high quality expensive switches solve the problem? Without control of light switches the project loses most of it appeal.


I agree with elctron's views about the x10 vs. zwave. When it comes to the x10 stuff, there is a pretty wide variety of stuff avaiable at various price points. Products range from fair to almost bullet-proff. features vary quite a bit as well.

The low end switches are the X10 switches, followed by the X10 PRO switches, RCS, Smarthome, and Lightolier Compose. Yes, there are many more types than this as well. Those are just the ones I'm most familiar switch since that's what we sell in addition to the ZWave. Prices range from $6 for a basic x10 switch to 10 to 12 times that much for a more sophisticated and reliable switch.

If you are going to go with HomeSeer, I really would consider getting switches with 2-way functionality so that HomeSeer always knows the status of the device. Polling adds traffic to the network and is not as fast as 2-way communication.

I'm not sure if ZWave will be able to come out with 2-way switches. There is a patent issue with Lutron about RF switches and 2-way communication that is the big obsticle right now......
X-10 it is then, I guess I hope I lose the contest now :)

Electron: I think I missunderstood your reply "stay away from X-10 switches" You mean X-10 the company and not X-10 switches in gerenral, right?

I think my two choices would be: SwitchLinc 2-Way, and the Lightolier.

AutomatedOutlet: you sell both switches, from my quick research it seems the switchinc is a more featured switch at a slighly lower cost than the Lightolier. I know the Lightolier may have the better reputation, but what do you think?

BTW do you have bulk or bundles discounts on either of the above switches?

I indeed meant the company, sorry, The 2way switchlinc's are great, but if you can afford Lightolier, that's what I would go with.

Yes, I do sell both the Smathome and the Lightolier. Actually, the Lightoliers have MORE features than the Smarthome switchlincs. Not only can you put the in the Compose scenes (2-mode switch) and all of that, but it you just do a comparison of the base switch, I think you'll like the differences. The Lightoilers are programmed directly from the switch (no equipment required). You just push a certain key sequence with the paddle and set button. You can also read the status on the switch. The nightlight can be dimmed to 4 different levels. Ramping up and down of the fade rates can also be varied by scene.

In addition to the feature differences, I think the Lightoliers are better made. They are made in the US (vs. China) and come with a 3-year warranty. I have been through their factory and was really impressed with their quiality control and processes.

I have Smarthome switches installed in my house now. I will be switching them out for the Lightoliers because I relly want to take advantage of the scene based control you can do with them in addition to X10 controls.

Hope that helps a little. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Can I use the Lightolier switches with other computer infaces other than Lightolier's firewalls? I am thinking of using SmartHomes' soon to be release USB PowerLinc Controller with memory.

As for programing SmartLinc Switches I see you need the one X-10 control for about $24. But I thought that was for the 6 & 8 Keylinc's. Is it also required for the single and 3-way switches?

Martin, what to do plan on doing with your old smarthome switches once you swap out to lightoliers? If I could save decent money I would think of buying them off you.

Thanks again, and I am sure there will be more to follow.


Can I use the Lightolier switches with other computer infaces other than Lightolier's firewalls? I am thinking of using SmartHomes' soon to be release USB PowerLinc Controller with memory.

Sure, they work like other X10 switches if you put them in X10 mode. They are multi-mode switches. The Firewall is for enhanced reliability. In either case, you would still need an interface into the HomeSeer. I'm not sure though what HomeSeer's plans are to support the memory features in that new USB interface.

As for programing SmartLinc Switches I see you need the one X-10 control for about $24. But I thought that was for the 6 & 8 Keylinc's. Is it also required for the single and 3-way switches?

Every Smarthome product needs to have something send it the codes for programming. Although it can be done with even a PalmPad remote, you really should use a wired controller to ensure it gets as strong of a signal as possible.

Martin, what to do plan on doing with your old smarthome switches once you swap out to lightoliers? If I could save decent money I would think of buying them off you.

You know, I have had a few offers on this. It will probably be another couple of months before I get to replacing these due to all of the new switches I'm putting in now. If anyone wants to come over here and switch them out for me, they'll get first crack at them, otherwise, when the time comes I'll give first crack at the people on this board.


Martin. I know we discussed this in passing before. But, were you going to consider selling Leviton switches. I guess others prefer the Lightoliers but I'm kinda fond of the Leviton Greens, especially since I have already started down that route with 10.

Anyways, I'm getting ready for another order of about a dozen from worthdist.com. But figured I'd definately give you first shot.

lemme know
OK, if you're sure you don't want to try the Lightoliers....

Let me see what kind of price I can get for you. Which model did you need?


I think I may buy one of each switch to compare. I prefer buy US made products [I may be losing my job cause our company is putting a plant up in China]. Also I plan on picking up a few lamplinc 2-way mod. I need to research, but your prices seem good. BTW, do forum members get any special discounts.

Every Smarthome product needs to have something send it the codes for programming. Although it can be done with even a PalmPad remote, you really should use a wired controller to ensure it gets as strong of a signal as possible.

If after all I end up going with the SmartLinc 2-way switches, what would be some good wired controllers for programing?


The Lightoliers are made in the USA and come with a 3-year warranty. I think most, if not all, of the others are made in China. The exceptions to this would be PCS which is manufactured for them by Lightolier.

The best controller for programming the SwitchLincs is the Maxi controller - http://automatedoutlet.com/customer/produc...=40&cat=&page=1

We are trying to think of some creative ways to give the members of this board an edge.

I'll tel you what, let's have a little fun. I'm going to set up a special discount code right now that only people that read this particular post will know about. The first 25 people that order and use discount code FREESHIPPING, will get free shipping! Let's see how many people see it....
I take it that you were meaning "ground shipping". The shipping charges for the stuff Im ordering $6.90 for ground, but a whopping $34.99 for overnight. The deal your offering will cover overnight, so you may want to fix that. As my friend just said, "Ah man, that would be cold." And I agree. I would never take advantage of such a kind offer, but this is the internet, so someone out there may be "cold" enough to screw ya.

Also, thanks for such a kind offer to the people on this forum. I truly appreciate it as I was in the market for another computer interface and a few more motion sensors, but am tight on cash (pretty much gives me a free motion sensor).



Thanks for letting mee know about that. I forgot that that would happen. I changed it to just do a $6.90 discount.

I see a couple of people have already used it!
