Update after using both quite a bit more: HouseLinc is WAY ahead on UI and usability, IMNSHO; PowerHome is more consistent... I guess you could say "reliable", but... geez, what a miserable user interface. :blink:
I'm only using PowerHome to get the info into Elk. I'll be attempting that shortly.
I'm much more impressed with the usability of HL for managing links. I don't think the HL UI is fantastic - though I can't quite picture what the "better way" might be - but it's quite usable.
I'd love to see some of the "report" sort of things that PH has, but they're silly in PH since they are just a "report" and are not a functional interface.
In HL, if you have a device visible anywhere on the screen, you can control it, program it, learn it... whatever.
In PH, you have to move to a different element of the explorer tree to do anything meaningful or different. I keep right-clicking or double-clicking thinking it'll do something useful, but it's worse... it just goes to edit the field or eliminates the explorer tree.
I read in the PH forums that there's an update coming. I hope it's an improvement.
Back to HL: if they'll just get the reliability up a bit... good stuff.