I'm looking for the smallest possible wired, outdoor, IP based camera to be mounted in a stone column at the edge of driveway.
I'm building this box that will contain a mailbox insert too, so it's hollow and have access on the inside. I've run Ethernet, some 18-7, and low voltage 16-2 for the IP camera, a motion detector, a door sensor on the mailbox, and a light. What I'm visualizing for the camera is drilling a hole in the stone and inserting the camera in the hole.
All the Bullet ones I've found are like 2" in diameter and think would just look ugly on something that's only about 21" x 50" tall. I did find this AXIS P1214E which is perfect, less than an 1" in diameter, more like a pinhole. Was just curious if anyone knows of any competitive models to this.
I'm building this box that will contain a mailbox insert too, so it's hollow and have access on the inside. I've run Ethernet, some 18-7, and low voltage 16-2 for the IP camera, a motion detector, a door sensor on the mailbox, and a light. What I'm visualizing for the camera is drilling a hole in the stone and inserting the camera in the hole.
All the Bullet ones I've found are like 2" in diameter and think would just look ugly on something that's only about 21" x 50" tall. I did find this AXIS P1214E which is perfect, less than an 1" in diameter, more like a pinhole. Was just curious if anyone knows of any competitive models to this.