Main Lobby Menu Bar Hidden


Here is a really simple Main Lobby question. I uncheked the "Show Menu Bar" in the Startup Options and indeed it hides the Menu Bar when I move the mouse to the top of any scene now.

Question is, how do I get it back? :)
Is there a ini/configuration file where it stores these settings? you probably can reenable it by modifying that file or find the regitsry entry.
I think it's F8. Or, mainlobby.ini setting. The solution is posted a few times in cinemar's forum.
Oh yea, that OTHER forum, hehe!

Thanks John!

I'm starting to play around with this again. Everytime I start this something major happens that keeps me from continuing with it. Well all is farily calm now, and in-between taking care of the family I'm trying to tinker with this a little so I will probably have a lot of stupid questions every now and then. :)


Hey JRFuda:

Now that I have your attention, I really like your Caller ID display that I saw posted on Cinemar's forums. I really don't want to go through the trouble of your tabbed interface (though I think its really cool looking), but wouldn't mind trying out that caller ID display.

I don't have HSP, just the NetCaller ID box and use the WAF Caller ID plugin from Homeseer. I then have a script that passes that data to MLServer Caller ID plugin and the "stock" red pop up background appears in the lower right scenes correctly (displaying the phone number). Very cool

I also have a button assigned to the "Get" command and can have that box appear and scroll through past history of numbers.

My Main question is can I use your Caller ID scene and somehow tap into the MLCaller ID stored history numbers?

Thanks for your time.

BTW, I have been so busy lately I keep forgeting to ask you how your new baby is doing and being a Dad? :) Also, how are things in Texas now? Is the wife doing well?


BSR, My Caller ID scene in MainLobby is actually CFGuy's Phoneweb Touchpad interface, with some mods that he talked me through, displayed in a weblobby window. The mods were simply modification to the Americana touchpad style sheet to make the colors match with my ML scene exactly. I think Krupmy's made more changes to the MLHSplugin that will enable something like this without PhoneWeb, but I think PhoneWeb is great - I never access HSPhone through the GUI anymore, I do everything HSP-wise through the PhoneWeb interface, it's great! Download the demo.

Things have been going pretty well with out new little guy. He still has a few preemie issues - had to get a hernia operated on earlier this week - but those little guys recover soooo fast, it's amazing. Looking at him now, you'd never know he was 7 weeks premature and just had surgery on Tuesday. I think he'll be all caught up with where he would be had he been full term within a month. He's already doing things 3-4 month olds are doing - like lifting his head for several minutes and rolling over :) and he's only 7 weeks old (adjusted gestational age is actually only 6 days!)

The wife and I are getting used to not sleeping much, but have come a long way from the rookies we were 7 weeks ago ;)

Being a Dad is great! I never though I could be so impressed with someones little accomplishments as I am with him. Hopefully I'll be able to update my website with some pics soon.

I hope your family continues to do well!

Sounds like you and your family are doing well. That's great, please keep us posted. That DAD job is a major one isn't it?

I will look into CFGuy's Phone Web, but I was under the impression that you needed HSP to interface with it. In other words, phone web will not work with the NetCallerID device.

If it did that would be great! If it doesn't perhaps CFGuy might consider modifying his plugin to accept this device as more and more people are migrating to it. I really don't want to install HSP as I have no need for it.

Thanks for the reply. I think I will PM CFGuy so he sees this thread also!


I couldnt help but butt in on this topic. My boy is 9 months now and i have to say i too have never though i could be so moved by the littlest things. He took his first steps just a few days ago and nothing could ever make a dad prouder when he sees his son walk for the first time.

I say that now but im sure i will be impressed even more in the future. I just cant wait until he can start wiring up automation devices :)
You definately need HSP for most of phoneWeb.

I have been talking to David (the programmer for the WAF CallerID), and we have been discussing working together to have the netcallerid output a file that phoneWeb could read. That would allow the CallerID page to work.
I have also been talking with Krumpy about setting up some functions to let phoneWeb talk to Main Lobby.

jrfuda and Squintz, you think you are proud and excited now. Just wait till the first time they look up at from their bed as you tuck them in and they say those magic words. "I love you, daddy."
Geez, I fell old now. I have a 15 year old son, and 9 and 6 year old daughters.
hehe, no problem Squintz, I love hearing from proud Dads.

I just cant wait until he can start wiring up automation devices

This is a lot of fun. My five year old helped me wire my security system. I showed him how to read a digital multimeter (ohms and volts) and how to clip the wire leads on a pair of wires.

He could connect the meter, select volts or ohms, and give me the reading while I either shorted the wires or tried a sensor from another room (saved me from going back and forth). He was actually a big help.

He also loves playing with the palmpad remote and "testing" the X-10 system.
Thanks for the reply Jeff (another proud Dad I see!!)

I have been talking to David (the programmer for the WAF CallerID), and we have been discussing working together to have the netcallerid output a file that phoneWeb could read

I think I have enough smarts to get my WAFNetCallerID VB Script to append to a file each time a caller calls. What format does your program require and what name should the file be called (and what directory)?

I may be able to do this (scary, huh?)


smee said:
BSR said:
I think I have enough smarts to get my WAFNetCallerID VB Script to append to a file each time a caller calls.

I'm sure you won't have trouble modifying it, but take a look at this thread if you want:

HS thread about writing caller id info to file
The thread on the HS board has been updated to include archiving of phone logs and display of the current log through HS ASP pages, if anyone's interested.

There's nothing fancy about the scripts and ASP and they could probably be made quite a bit more efficient. I like them because they do not require anything except HS to be used (and the NetCallerID box, although they'd probably work without much change with any other system) - you don't need to pay for or figure out another front end.