BSR, My Caller ID scene in MainLobby is actually CFGuy's Phoneweb Touchpad interface, with some mods that he talked me through, displayed in a weblobby window. The mods were simply modification to the Americana touchpad style sheet to make the colors match with my ML scene exactly. I think Krupmy's made more changes to the MLHSplugin that will enable something like this without PhoneWeb, but I think PhoneWeb is great - I never access HSPhone through the GUI anymore, I do everything HSP-wise through the PhoneWeb interface, it's great! Download the demo.
Things have been going pretty well with out new little guy. He still has a few preemie issues - had to get a hernia operated on earlier this week - but those little guys recover soooo fast, it's amazing. Looking at him now, you'd never know he was 7 weeks premature and just had surgery on Tuesday. I think he'll be all caught up with where he would be had he been full term within a month. He's already doing things 3-4 month olds are doing - like lifting his head for several minutes and rolling over
and he's only 7 weeks old (adjusted gestational age is actually only 6 days!)
The wife and I are getting used to not sleeping much, but have come a long way from the rookies we were 7 weeks ago
Being a Dad is great! I never though I could be so impressed with someones little accomplishments as I am with him. Hopefully I'll be able to update my website with some pics soon.
I hope your family continues to do well!