Have not been able to find any reporting of similar issues on the web but happens to both our familys phones. We had ATT before with Samsung phones and they pretty much just worked. Limited signal in the basement so a few issues but that's understandable. Switched to Cricket and Moto phone and the phone will just stop connecting at what seem like random times and places. Usually turning on airplane mode and then turning that off will restore cell connection (and show decent signal strength). Very frustrating. Otherwise our phones work ok and they have the latest updates. Took them in to the store and they said everything looked good. But the troubles continue. We are about to just get new phones to try to fix the issue but wondering if this is a phone or Cricket issue. Would be very disappointing to get new phones and still have the issue. And transferring back to ATT is difficult because now they consider it not a change of company so not any deals. Want to keep the numbers. I suppose we could port them to someone else but have limited choices on usable signal at home. I think Verizon has usable signal based on their tower location. That's the only one. I know TMobile has poor signal here.