Need some help.
I have several MS10As and DS10As that work fine when I sense then thru my W800RF connected to HomeSeer. Now I am trying to sense them with the W800RF connected to an M1-XSP module on my ELK M1G.
Per Electron's directions, I used the utility program to determine what code is being sent to the W800RF and have that written down. I have successfully setup DS10As and teh M1G responds to them. However, when I use the DS10A technique for the MS10A the M1G is not resonding to them.
I have searched for and read all the topics relating to the MS10A and the M1G and I cannot find any details describing how to do it.
I am assuming the MS10As are different somehow. What am I missing?
I have several MS10As and DS10As that work fine when I sense then thru my W800RF connected to HomeSeer. Now I am trying to sense them with the W800RF connected to an M1-XSP module on my ELK M1G.
Per Electron's directions, I used the utility program to determine what code is being sent to the W800RF and have that written down. I have successfully setup DS10As and teh M1G responds to them. However, when I use the DS10A technique for the MS10A the M1G is not resonding to them.
I have searched for and read all the topics relating to the MS10A and the M1G and I cannot find any details describing how to do it.
I am assuming the MS10As are different somehow. What am I missing?