New Automated House

Jeff R.

I was sitting here this evening telling my wife how I will be Automating everything in our new house with the ElkM1+all the extras that I am ordering. I was in the process of explaining how I will have a dedicated server in the wiring closet that I will program to do everything and how automated the house will be
(I was really exited). Then she just looked at me and said: What will I do when this is all done and then something happens to you!!! I just stared at her and then emailed her the link to and told her she better save it to her favorites. :)

My wife has said exactly the same thing. "What am I going to do if something happens to you and the house quits working?"
Spanky said:
My wife has said exactly the same thing. "What am I going to do if something happens to you and the house quits working?"
Sounds like an insurance policy to me!
Mines said the same thing. She knows how to replace all the switches and I am sure she could figure out how to sell them on ebay and turn around and buy he self a whole store full of shoes. I doubt she would be thinking about the HA stuff though. She knows all about cocoontech and she knows I consider all of you guys my friends. I am sure she would reach out to all of you for help.

Lets just hope that day does not come anytime soon.