Over the last 10-15 years here have had the doorbell wired to the Alam panel via the use of two Elk circuits; doorbell circuit board and debounce board. This worked fine when I transitioned over to an illumated doorbell and recently to using the Ring Doorbell.
Afterwards replaced the Ring Doorbell with the Hikvision doorbell. Pressing the Hikvision doorbell button did not trigger the Elk 930 doorbell circuit. My "el cheapo" fix was to put a contact switch in the doorbell chime and have the magnet trigger the NC/NO switch. This involved a 22/2 wire going to the doorbell chime. Here my doorbell chime wires run through conduit which made it easy.
Last week purchased a current sensing switch from Amazon which works better and easy to install. I have modified the original drawing which included the Elk 930-960 boards to using the Elk 960 debounce board and the current sensor. You only have to loop the wire through the hole on the current sensor 2-3 times and use the same zone wires to the debounce board. The current sensing switch is adjustable. Purchased it on Amazon for around $17.
Easy peasey stuff.
Afterwards replaced the Ring Doorbell with the Hikvision doorbell. Pressing the Hikvision doorbell button did not trigger the Elk 930 doorbell circuit. My "el cheapo" fix was to put a contact switch in the doorbell chime and have the magnet trigger the NC/NO switch. This involved a 22/2 wire going to the doorbell chime. Here my doorbell chime wires run through conduit which made it easy.
Last week purchased a current sensing switch from Amazon which works better and easy to install. I have modified the original drawing which included the Elk 930-960 boards to using the Elk 960 debounce board and the current sensor. You only have to loop the wire through the hole on the current sensor 2-3 times and use the same zone wires to the debounce board. The current sensing switch is adjustable. Purchased it on Amazon for around $17.
Easy peasey stuff.