Newbie touchscreen/touchpanel confusion


Hi guys.

New construction going on and I want to be sure to run the wire correctly to places for touchscreens or touchpanels.

I should just homerun cat6 and power to the locations (20', 30', 50' and 70').

Touchscreens will use VGA adapters to cat6, while touchpanels are a PC and would use the cat6 for networking.

Is this correct?

Also, any suggestions on inwall boxes?

I like the idea of touchpanels Remote Desktop Connection into a server. Does Windows 2003 support a quad video card? Any suggestions on model?

Soooooooo much to know, so little time to learn :P
If it were me I'd forget using Cat 6 wire. The wire is too expensive and the specs aren't needed for your application. Go with Cat5e and save some money!!!!!!


Thanks for that link, EXTREMELY helpful. It looks like I should homerun TWO cat6, 18/2 (for power) and 120V to each location. That way, I can go with either touchscreen or touch panel, and have either local or central power.

Any suggestions on inwall boxes for mounting? I was thinking of just having the framers put in some cross pieces between the studs, and then OSB on the inside of the studs in the back. I've got 6" walls, so that should give enough and a nice mounting surface in the back.

Comments on this idea?
Pick your touchscreen architecture and product and then worry about mounting. If you buy for example a Touchtronix, it comes with a complete installation rough box and bezel etc. that is specific for that screen. Same with a Nobu in wall Panel PC.

If you want to take a desktop touchscreen apart and use that, then you will have to cobble something together. Of course that won't be UL approved, but that's your business.

Don't forget about ventilation, heat dissipation, electronics sometimes go up in smoke, access after installation, access to calibrate the screen etc. if you put a home grown deal together.

Your wiring example should give you lots of flexibility.

Thanks for that link, EXTREMELY helpful. It looks like I should homerun TWO cat6, 18/2 (for power) and 120V to each location. That way, I can go with either touchscreen or touch panel, and have either local or central power.

I agree that is the minimum you should wire and with the correct baluns, it should provide for most/all conbinations you might run into. However, if your wiring runs aren't too long, you might also consider running a VGA and USB or serial drop as well. Again, you should consider the cost of installing the wires now and perhaps not needing them vs having to buy baluns in the future to get the cat wires to the right termination type. If you knew that you would be installing a screen fairly quickly that needed VGA and a tocuhscreen interface wire, I'd probably run the extra wire now.
Whilst that certainly is a complete list, wouldn't adding the HV (120V) stuff there up the cost considerably? After all, wouldn't you be able to accomplish everything via the 18-2 for the power back to your central location?

If you don't have an issue with the additional cost for HV/LV in the same box, then obviously that's the safest.
Is the performance of running VGA over a VGA cable much better than running it over Cat6?

It seems that running touchscreens to a centralized server has more advantages such as cost, less heat generated, lower maintenance. Seems to be prudent to run 4 HV, VGA, USB and then cat6 as a "backup" if switching to panel PC.

I think that I'll save the panel PCs for the living room floor and such with wireless connection.

The house is just getting under roof now, so running 4 HV outlets now should be cheap. I didn't see much difference in price between Cat5e and Cat6.

Thanks for the VALUABLE opinions. I can't wait till I can contribute with answers instead of questions!