NY Humor


Senior Member
My sister who lives in the village just emailed this to me. Even if this is a total joke, just telling this would so NOT fly in california, alas how I miss NY...

i went to a bookstore while i was waiting for my lunch to be made and read- this one guy said that a woman came up to him on the street and pointed at his suede jacket. "you know, a cow was murdered for that jacket" she sneered. he replied in a psychotic tone, "i didn't realize there were any witnesses. now i'll have to kill you too."
damage said:
for more ny umm...humor...check out http://www.overheardinnewyork.com
what a great site.

Girl1: Ben's hot, but I think he's gay
Girl2: No way, WHY?
Girl1: He asked me if my carpet matches my drapes
Girl2: *pause* I dont think he's gay
Girl1: Oh yeah?
Girl2: Call him and tell him he can chew on your carpet!
Girl1: huh?

^ one of the central park quotes quotes.

http://persistent.info/overplot/ is a better way to view overheard IMO, it maps it, and you can select quotes based on location.
upstatemike said:
IVB said:
...this would so NOT fly in california...
I know I'm slow but I don't see the part that would offend in Calif. ???
It's the "sarcastic" thing - Anything other than pretty words that shower you with admiration is resoundingly rejected by my dang berkeley hippie neighbors.
IVB said:
It's the "sarcastic" thing - Anything other than pretty words that shower you with admiration is resoundingly rejected by my dang berkeley hippie neighbors.
Oh. I guess since I am usually considered too sarcastic for New York I better stay far away from California!