OmniLT with House code set to UPB mode


New Member
I have an OmniLT running verison 3.0. If I set the House Code to be in UPB mode and change a Unit # to a UPB device ID number different from the unit number, the OmniLT is unable to control the device directly. The OmniLT is able to control that same device by using link commands. With Upstart running I see that the OmniLT is transmitting the UPB device ID as the same number as the unit number. For example, I set Unit 1 Node ID to 30 but when I try to turn Unit 1 on from the OmniLT I see the command in the Upstart log with a destination of unit 001 instead of unit 030. Does the OmniLT limit you to only using UPB device ID's of 1 through 16? Many thanks
The HAI Unit # is the same as the UPB Device ID.  The Address/Node ID field is not used for UPB or HLC.
There is a UPB Network ID number and a UPB Password that has to be the same across UPStart and the panel.
Yes, the OmniLT can only control 16 devices, 1 - 16. You can send "links" to control a greater number. The difference if the panel keeps the state of devices, but not links.