PCS to lower the cost of PulseWorx UPB devices.


PCS to lower the cost of PulseWorx UPB devices. I haven't seen this posted yet, wasn't sure if it should have gone here or somewhere else.



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someone mentioned that there was a pricedrop, but I still haven't seen any before & after numbers. If they did drop it 50% from the pricing I am familiar with, then that is huge news for sure.
So a bit of poking around and it sounds like PulseWorx and PCS are the same? Not sure on this, but a quick check of prices on the net, with a /2 in my head got me real excited about UPB.

Martin, do you know anything about this?
Don't get too excited folks. PCS Pulsworx products were previously priced at least twice as high as everybody else. This reduction simply places them in line with the competition. Of course, this means we now have yet another affordable UPB alternative and PCS has always produced high quality products.
Interesting post. Yeah, E is right. In the past, the PCS stuff was been at least twice the price of what we are currently seeing with other UPB vendors.

They make a good quality product. It's actually manfactured for them by Lightolier in the factory here in Dallas.

Yes, PulseWorx is the brand name for the PCS manufactered switches.

This is good news though even if the switches aren't priced as low as the HAI or SA switches because PCS does have some nice UPB compatible items.

I'll call my contact at PCS and see what I can find out.

