I'm in the decision making process starting from scratch to automate a new 5,000 sq.ft. home (move-in summer 2016). I'm the DIY type and have been considering HS3 w/HomeTroller S6 PRO, ELK M1 Gold, UPB, some Z-Wave, and HTD audio. (At one point in the distant past I planned to use HAI, but left that idea behind when it looked like they were not friendly to DIY’ers. Is that still the case now that they were bought out?)
I plan to automate lighting, locks, window treatments, phone screening, whole house audio, security w/cameras, sprinklers, and other things as time and my skills permit. The builder is not a custom builder, but for the cost of a two-year monitoring contract they will install a hardwired (Honeywell) alarm system. I figure that’s worth it just to get the hardwired contacts in place. (If the Honeywell they install doesn’t meet my needs I would rip it out and replace with the ELK.) They will also run CAT 5/6 to various locations of my choosing, but the cost is pretty high. They will also install ceiling speakers where I desire, but again, at high cost.
I mentioned UPB, but I’ve really struggled with this decision, which isn’t final yet. Since it will mostly be a retrofit I’m a bit limited in some areas, however, I used to be an electrician (EE now) in a previous life and can be creative at getting cables to some, but not all locations. (I will not have the builder install anything like speakers or extra CAT6 on the second floor since I can do all that myself from the attic.) One concern I have is that I plan to have a hobby/wood shop in the basement. How would I keep the noise from running a table saw and other equipment from interfering with my HA system? What retrofittable (sp?) technology would you choose? I’m worried that UPB might not be able to handle the noise. My wife is not a technology person, so I’ve got to make things very user friendly.
I plan to automate lighting, locks, window treatments, phone screening, whole house audio, security w/cameras, sprinklers, and other things as time and my skills permit. The builder is not a custom builder, but for the cost of a two-year monitoring contract they will install a hardwired (Honeywell) alarm system. I figure that’s worth it just to get the hardwired contacts in place. (If the Honeywell they install doesn’t meet my needs I would rip it out and replace with the ELK.) They will also run CAT 5/6 to various locations of my choosing, but the cost is pretty high. They will also install ceiling speakers where I desire, but again, at high cost.
I mentioned UPB, but I’ve really struggled with this decision, which isn’t final yet. Since it will mostly be a retrofit I’m a bit limited in some areas, however, I used to be an electrician (EE now) in a previous life and can be creative at getting cables to some, but not all locations. (I will not have the builder install anything like speakers or extra CAT6 on the second floor since I can do all that myself from the attic.) One concern I have is that I plan to have a hobby/wood shop in the basement. How would I keep the noise from running a table saw and other equipment from interfering with my HA system? What retrofittable (sp?) technology would you choose? I’m worried that UPB might not be able to handle the noise. My wife is not a technology person, so I’ve got to make things very user friendly.