Playing Games with your W800RF and MainLobby


Active Member
Well - I had a few hours to kill before about a 100 family/friends arrived on New Years Eve for our annual bash. So I figured what the heck, let's test out the new MLW800RF plugin.

So I created a little game that was displayed on all TV's through the house and walked around with the popular game Shut-The-Box (available at most stores). I used the MLW800RF plugin, W800RF itself and an X10 palm pad remote to accumulate scores and Pot totals. The MLMath plugin was also used to increment values/variables.

It alternated between two screens to prevent burn in on the plasma. Most people got a real kick out of it. It was a 20 minute timed game. The first 20 - people pitched in a buck per game and need to close the box to collect the cash. The next 20 minute period, the person with the lowest score won the pot. Needless to say, my niece was really excited to cash in on $37....thanks to her Dad's buck. :)

The cool part is I could walk around the house and increment the scores without any problem or line of sight. The TV's provided great visual feedback to guests.

I would have liked to add some more wiz-bang to the game and some cool animation, but my wife thought it was more important to prep the food table instead. :)

Here are some screen shots:

That sounds like a really great idea! Do you have any more details about your setup, I am really interested in seeing how you wired your TV's etc.

Still working on some full fledged diagrams since alot of others seem to also be interested.
Component Baluns are used for distributing Hi-Def to all the TVs:

A Matrix Switcher allows several inputs such as the Sony CX777ES, DVR and Computer:

Russound Cav6.6 is used to distribute whole house audio and the component baluns also distribute digital audio to my main TV viewing room for when it's movie time.

I ran a lot of wires that aren't getting used because of this setup, but I'm still happy they are there just in case. :)

All of this completely controlled through MainLobby and our plugins.
HDTV & digital audio over CAT5? That's awesome. I just looked at the product, pretty impressive. I would love to bring digital/HDTV cable (and my HTPC) to all TV's in the house.
tech-home said:
Have to say that looks awesome!

Now lets turn it into a drinking game... :P
Too late. Drink the amount of your score at the end of each game and drink when you roll doubles. :)