I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but don't have a clue.
Wired up 6 relays (elk 912) for 6 zones for irrigation system. Rules work fine to fire relays sequentially but on the 2nd run, 2 zones did not work. I checked the wiring on the relays. They were receiving voltage out from the elk but were not switching. I pulled out the active output's + 12v line and touched it to the + contacts of the other relays (all negatives tied together) and the other 4 switched audibly, but these two made no sound.
I then replaced those 2 relays last night and ran the irrigation task and all worked fine. It ran again while I was at the house tonight and the first 5 zones worked fine and the 6th did not (different relay from the 2 I replaced last night). I checked it out with that output on and all the other relays clicked on with the + wire from that output. I then looked at the (?bad?) relays I pulled out last night and they clicked on fine with 12v tonight??
Wired as follows: + 12v output from elk output on output expander to + of relay
neg output from that output expander to negatives of all relays
one 24v AC tied to all relays COM
wire to each irrigation valve to relays N/O
other half to 24v to common of valves
I am using the ELK 24 volt supply (40 VA) {I don't know what VA means-- the relay is rated for 7 amps at 30 volts}
The relay has a diode protection across the relay coil (? a type of fuse? am I overloading it somehow?)
Voltage from the elk reads 11.6 with the wires not on the relay, but reading through the contacts -/+ of active relay reads 7.4 volts (relay specs say minimum 9 volt pull in voltage -- is this the problem??)
Any help would be greatly appreciated by me, my WAF, and my newly laid sod.
edited to fix the DC/AC problem
Wired up 6 relays (elk 912) for 6 zones for irrigation system. Rules work fine to fire relays sequentially but on the 2nd run, 2 zones did not work. I checked the wiring on the relays. They were receiving voltage out from the elk but were not switching. I pulled out the active output's + 12v line and touched it to the + contacts of the other relays (all negatives tied together) and the other 4 switched audibly, but these two made no sound.
I then replaced those 2 relays last night and ran the irrigation task and all worked fine. It ran again while I was at the house tonight and the first 5 zones worked fine and the 6th did not (different relay from the 2 I replaced last night). I checked it out with that output on and all the other relays clicked on with the + wire from that output. I then looked at the (?bad?) relays I pulled out last night and they clicked on fine with 12v tonight??
Wired as follows: + 12v output from elk output on output expander to + of relay
neg output from that output expander to negatives of all relays
one 24v AC tied to all relays COM
wire to each irrigation valve to relays N/O
other half to 24v to common of valves
I am using the ELK 24 volt supply (40 VA) {I don't know what VA means-- the relay is rated for 7 amps at 30 volts}
The relay has a diode protection across the relay coil (? a type of fuse? am I overloading it somehow?)
Voltage from the elk reads 11.6 with the wires not on the relay, but reading through the contacts -/+ of active relay reads 7.4 volts (relay specs say minimum 9 volt pull in voltage -- is this the problem??)
Any help would be greatly appreciated by me, my WAF, and my newly laid sod.
edited to fix the DC/AC problem