RFID smarthome solution / follow-me media&automati


New Member
I’m looking for a consumer RFID solution. I just installed a Pluto Home (plutohome.com) smarthome/media server system. It has a ‘follow-me’ feature where when you enter a room, your Bluetooth mobile phone turns into a remote control for the stuff in that room, and your preferences will follow you around the house. For example, each family member’s music, lighting, etc., follows them.

The only problem is it requires a Bluetooth detector in each room (which for now still means putting in a pc), and the recognition isn’t instant—it can take 10 seconds or so for the phone to be recognized before your media and other stuff comes on in that room. I’m pretty technically inclined and would like to put some readers around the house and in the driveway so I can have follow-me in every room, and have stuff happen automatically when I approach in my car. It looks trivial to do—Pluto already has all the code to do it, I just need to create a device that fires the same events—a couple hours work. Do you have any ideas where I can get RFID cards/readers with a standard RS232/USB interface?