Have searched the web and haven't found anything that fixes the issue or a place to get help so thought I would try here...
Wife and I each have Samsung J7 phones and both have the same issue. The weather app has issues with F/C display. I currently have F set and the app shows temps in F. I am in the US and want F as the display. When I click in the app for more detail it goes to weather.com in the browser. Everything in the browser is in C. I have gone to the settings on that page and changed to F but it has no effect. The URL is difficult to see completely but I copied it and pasted it in another document and see that it ends with:
I pasted that into the browser on my PC and got a page with temps in C.
I then changed the c to f and got temps in f.
So it appears the app is calling the browser with the setting of C in the URL even though the app is set to F and displays in F.
I know this is a bit off topic for this forum but hoping for some help with this. I have tried things other reported to fix similar issues but none work.
Wife and I each have Samsung J7 phones and both have the same issue. The weather app has issues with F/C display. I currently have F set and the app shows temps in F. I am in the US and want F as the display. When I click in the app for more detail it goes to weather.com in the browser. Everything in the browser is in C. I have gone to the settings on that page and changed to F but it has no effect. The URL is difficult to see completely but I copied it and pasted it in another document and see that it ends with:
I pasted that into the browser on my PC and got a page with temps in C.
I then changed the c to f and got temps in f.
So it appears the app is calling the browser with the setting of C in the URL even though the app is set to F and displays in F.
I know this is a bit off topic for this forum but hoping for some help with this. I have tried things other reported to fix similar issues but none work.