Security - Dual monitor question


This is for an apartment complex that has 16 cameras and 2 monitors. 1 monitor is for the security/front desk person who is letting people in and out while monitoring the cameras. The other monitor and DVR is in the office where the video signal is split so both monitors are seeing the same thing. There has been a few problems where management wants to review data on their monitor but wants the monitor by the security desk to continue monitoring the building. They do not want the ability of the security person to be able to see what they are reviewing. Are there any DVRs in the market that allow this?

What are the options?
Call monitor/spot monitor rather than a simple split or have a DVR that has remote software and do away with the other monitor and use a PC for reviewing the images.
You could also get a * low cost * multiplexer and loop the cameras through the mux and then out to the DVR. The mux could provide it's own video feed and you could also install a controller at the security guard desk to give them control of the mux view without affecting the recorded images or having them see the recorded images being reviewed.