Hey, back again.
One thing you could do to sort of get a feel of how the Ocelot can be programmed it to download its CMax software. You don't need an Ocelot to browse through its menus and see how to enter program steps. You can get the latest CMax code
You don't type any code, rather select it from the menus.
For instance lets say you want to turn a light (C1) on 20 minutes before sunset.
You would enter:
If time of day beccomes = Sunset -20 minutes
Then C1, Turn On
End Program
Just upload that to the Ocelot and it will run automatically.
Now lets say you want to turn off your bedroom lamp (C1) 10 minutes after you hit your A1 OFF keypad combination. It would go something like this:
If A1, OFF Command Pair
Then Timer #1 = 1 (Starts timer)
If Timer #1 becomes = 600
Then C1, Turn Off
Timer #1 = 0
End Program
Note the command "Command Pair". This means you transmitted A1, then A OFF commands together in a pair.
You can also send single X-10 commands which is handy when you want to say turn on multiple lights at once.
Lets say you want to turn on a lamp (C1), coffee pot (C2), and a fan (C3) all at once when you hit the A1 ON command.
You would enter:
If A1, On Command Pair
Then, Transmit X-10 C1
Then, Transmit X-10 C2
Then, Transmit X-10 C3
Then, Transmit X-10, C ON.
That's starting to touch on the features this has with X-10.