I've recently ordered a range of sensors and hubs from you and have been getting on well with all of them but the temp solar humidity unit.
I can read the separate temperature device fine and I can detect the DS2438 ok on the network. The problems I'm having is that I always read 0 for the solar sensor and the humidity values seem quite low too (I've seen nothing higher than 50%). I've tried reading the values in a number of ways including USB and serial adaptors the dallas one wire java viewer and the one wire C public domain kit. I've checked that the config register is set to read the 3rd channel and that appears ok so does the onboard temp probe.
I was wondering if there are some checks I can perform on the device to check that the sensors are behaving properly (I'm a software engineer by trade). Or do you have any other ideas as to what the problem could be?
Thanks for your help,
I can read the separate temperature device fine and I can detect the DS2438 ok on the network. The problems I'm having is that I always read 0 for the solar sensor and the humidity values seem quite low too (I've seen nothing higher than 50%). I've tried reading the values in a number of ways including USB and serial adaptors the dallas one wire java viewer and the one wire C public domain kit. I've checked that the config register is set to read the 3rd channel and that appears ok so does the onboard temp probe.
I was wondering if there are some checks I can perform on the device to check that the sensors are behaving properly (I'm a software engineer by trade). Or do you have any other ideas as to what the problem could be?
Thanks for your help,