Starlink terminal is bad and they are sending a replacement...


Senior Member
My starlink antenna (they call it a terminal) is bad and they are replacing it.  Not too impressed so far.  I got it Feb 25th.  They started charging the monthly rate 14 days after they shipped it Feb 19th so that works out to March 5th .  They did give a month credit when I complained but it's unlikely I will be up and running by April 5th so even with the credit I will be getting billed before I get it working. 
It works for about 5 minutes when powered up, fails and never come back up.  I have read that the rectangular version 2 units have a higher failure rate but that was just one place I saw and no idea if it is true.  They are sending me a refurbished unit that they claim they did a great job on and checking it.  We shall see...
Still don't have my mount or wired adapter.  Currently scheduled to ship in the next week but I won't be surprised if they push that back again. 
Getting the replacement antenna today.  The Ethernet adapter is shipped and arriving Monday.  Still no ETA on the roof mount.  :(
Finally got the roof mount and got the thing permanently installed.  Over 10x speed improvement.  86 Mbps just now.  :)  I used a couple magnets and and old stud finder that is just a magnet on a pivot.  Clamp some strong magnets to the sides of the truss just below the roof deck so the same poles are facing.  Lines of flux are straight up in the center.  Go to roof with indicator and find the center.  Someone has patented the method and charges something like $250 for the kit of parts.  I found the indicator in some old stuff I had and had some strong ferrite magnets too.  Just had to rig up a clamp for them.   Maybe I should post more details...  The manual said to use a stud finder.  My electronic one is pretty cheap but I tried it and couldn't tell anything through the shingles and sheeting.