The End is Near for HomeSeer 1.7x


FYI, HomeSeer 1.7x will no longer be supported by HomeSeer Technologies after the end of this year.

I can't see why they just don't leave the updater supported. I can understand not wanting to provide technical support, but how much could it cost to just keep the 1.7x updater going for a while!?! :(
That's exactly my point. The Caddx and CM19a plugins are relatively new as well! :o

Plus, did they ever get the bugs worked out with the hs.opencomport and the hs.waitsecs commands!? :unsure:
Wonder if that includes getting 1.7 plugin codes. Say you are not upgrading, but download any and all plugins you think you might ever want. Then after this year you decide to actually activate one of those older plugins, will you be able to get a code for it? Looks like we're being forced into upgrading. :o I can see dropping support, but they should at least leave the updater files up there. I can just see Jan 2007 having a hard drive failure and having the need to re-install HS 1.7 from scratch, yeah I have my license codes, but it looks like I won't be able get the files I'll need to use them with. :unsure:

The Pod
Again, "The Pod", I couldn't have said that any better! Excellent points. Hopefully HST will take a good look at this thread, realize many people are still using version 1.7 and at least leave the updater intact.
What about plugins that are supported in 1.7 but not 2.x? Will they create new versions for those or just tell those folks they can't play anymore?
This brings up an interesting point. Can HS require third party plugin authors to upgrade their plugins to .net so it can run on the newer HS versions or are users stuck?
Rupp said:
This brings up an interesting point. Can HS require third party plugin authors to upgrade their plugins to .net so it can run on the newer HS versions or are users stuck?
I'm guessing yes. They will probably just stop selling ones that don't and exclude them from the updater.
I seem to remember that if support is dropped, the code was to be made available to registered users. I know of at least one other plugin though that it never was supplied.

Unfortunate that HS is giving up on the only version that still works without problems.

A year after the release to "PRODUCTION" and HS2 is back in BETA before the first production version even runs more than most of the basics.

Very disappointed with HS.

I don't want a job debugging HS. I want something that works without problems all the time.

HS 1.7.44 just keeps running and running.
upstatemike ,
I think a few of us users need to get in touch with these 3rd party plugin providers and request updated versions. I have a few myself that I would like to use but can't. This is the very reason I no longer buy 3rd party plugins. They seem to be here today and gone tomorrow.
Rupp said:
This is the very reason I no longer buy 3rd party plugins. They seem to be here today and gone tomorrow.
Rupp, this isn't just a 3rd party plugin issue. I bought a serial version of the Way2Call modem because HS told me there was almost no difference between them when they first came out, guess what, HS dropped support on that item. I also have an original "HS Phone" switch they no longer support. I paid for HSP and I can not upgrade to HS 2.0 without spending some serious cash or just stop using HSP. :o I also own a SlinkE which HS dropped support on, but offers the source code for (but that was a freebee plugin). I haven't seen the source code made available for HSP that supported the serial Way2Call modem. HST is a business, and they make their decisions based upon profit. There was a bunch of gripes on the HS board about the HS full version (which we all have) being restricted to some features that will only be available in the Pro version. When I asked sales about the old 1.7 SE version being dropped, they told me it was because they didn't want to support two versions. When I asked isn't this then the case with the Pro version? They told me no that it is the same code. But doesn't that mean that if it is the same code, then the "Full" version (our version) is really a restricted version. :unsure:

As I stated eariler, I can see HST dropping support and help desk, they are a business and need to make money to survive, but how much is it really costing them to keep the 1.7 updater alive for people that are still or choose to stay on 1.7. Throw it on a slower server or something, but keep the files available for a few years.

The Pod