After the CP290 1-way interface, I bought the TW523 from Harper-Baran, this HA guy in Cananda. He had a software product called HC2000. (I think I still have the original diskette somewhere.) Anyhow, I used that combo for well over two years. He eventually stopped supporting it. I think the programmer he had contracte with graduated from school and got a real job.
Interestingly enough, it had a TW523 driver. I heard that the TW523 is very difficult to program for, especially in Windows.
Anyone ever use it?
OOPS, I mis-posted this in the Home Security Software section, I thought I was in the HA Software section. Can the moderator please move this to that section please?
Interestingly enough, it had a TW523 driver. I heard that the TW523 is very difficult to program for, especially in Windows.
Anyone ever use it?
OOPS, I mis-posted this in the Home Security Software section, I thought I was in the HA Software section. Can the moderator please move this to that section please?