Just curious, Is the only real difference between these two is that the appilance mod. on the RR501 2-way? Or do I need the 2-way transciever[RR501] for proper polling by HS.
I guess I will find out sometime this week, I am replacing my firecracker interface with the Smarthome USB interface and was wondering if I also need to replace my TM751 with the RR501.
Or will the Smarthome USB interface replace the transcievers all together? Meaning dose the usb interface send the x-10 commands directly thru the power lines, or does it sent it to either the TM751 or RR501 which then sends the x-10 signals? If the SH usb does indeed send the signals direct then I would guess it is capable of sending all codes and not limted to sending just one house code. Is my thinking correct?
I guess I will find out sometime this week, I am replacing my firecracker interface with the Smarthome USB interface and was wondering if I also need to replace my TM751 with the RR501.
Or will the Smarthome USB interface replace the transcievers all together? Meaning dose the usb interface send the x-10 commands directly thru the power lines, or does it sent it to either the TM751 or RR501 which then sends the x-10 signals? If the SH usb does indeed send the signals direct then I would guess it is capable of sending all codes and not limted to sending just one house code. Is my thinking correct?