I work at best buy (part-time) and have a hard time recommending people get 125.00 UPS with a 5-6 hundred dollar computer. Of couse they give the customer a scare by telling them they'll lose all there data by flucuations in power. ANyways I've heard big problems with battery's last 1 to 1 1/2 and find that pretty costy. I don't run any ups on any of my computers at home total of 6. I argued the biggest factor in computer failures is Heat.
Anyways I ask you wise men for your opionion. I understand ups for a server but find it hard to reccommend for the "average" consumer. Almost any software has routine backups anymore, for instance word. Do you recommend everyone get them?
I did pickup that 80 gig harddrive for 29.99 after rebates, eventhough I don't really need it. :huh:
Anyways I ask you wise men for your opionion. I understand ups for a server but find it hard to reccommend for the "average" consumer. Almost any software has routine backups anymore, for instance word. Do you recommend everyone get them?
I did pickup that 80 gig harddrive for 29.99 after rebates, eventhough I don't really need it. :huh: