Thanks for you comments and suggestions, Stinger and BSR.
Let me explain what I have now.
I have 4 outdoor cameras, (for the past 5 years), upgraded quality from time to time. 3 are color cams, Sony CCD chips with infared illuminators.
One is mounted under the eve looking at the front door, (a color cmos chip cam) the others are mounted away from the house, on Ninja mounts.
No 2 is on a 6 foot column (about 5 feet from the house), scans from the front steps out to street covering all of the entry sidewalks.
No 3 is mounted on an 8 ft column the opposite side of the driveway(about 18 feet from the house) scaning the driveway from the street to the garage doors.
The last is on a 15 ft tower, approx 30 feet from the house, scans the back of the house, part of the driveway, to the garage doors.
Each of the cams are connected to transmitters, 434Mhz, 915Mhz, 1.2Ghz, 2.4 Ghz
The respective receivers feed a 4 channel sequential switcher (approx 10 secs per camera), which feeds the output to a UHF TV transmitter on channel 14, which is in my attic.
This allows regular TV receivers to be used as monitors. Some are standard 13" CRT sets and some are 7" LCD receivers. Every room in the house therefore has a monitor.
Just looking for an easy way to also inject the output onto my network, and also the internet for when I'm traveling.
Therefore just looking for a "web server module" which would accept either a baseband video or NTSC signal as input.
I had previously thought about buying one of the IP cams and hacking to get to the webserver module, then I saw the item I referenced in my first post, and fiqured someting similar would do what I wanted, without using a DVR card and software.