what's going on? 165+ users online ...


Staff member
165 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes
Active Users 152 guests, 12 members 1 anonymous members
electron*, AutomatedOutlet, tng2000, GoogleBot, Guy Lavoie, BraveSirRobbin, Rupp, jb_sgf, nsisman, fuzzer, smee, mbreeden, boxerman, Joe W

Does anyone know where they are coming from?
I think they are coming out of the walls and they are all relatives of some previous guests you weren't too nice to!
lol, it went as high as 180, and they were all unique users. The referer log didn't show any unusual referals, but since many referals have thousands of hits, it's hard to tell.

Probably "penguin ghosts" coming back to haunt us now !!

I swatted about that many yesterday!

You sure they aren't web crawlers? Sometimes, a not so well behaved web crawler can get confused and really crank up a lot of connections. I've had it happen to our site as well.
most crawlers are identified automatically by the board, but just to be sure I did look up most of the IP addresses, and they were all unique, most of them were cable/dsl, from all over the world.
Probably "penguin ghosts" coming back to haunt us now !!

Looks like your right Neil!!!!!!!!!


What can I say, I was bored ;)
You should install a 3rd party tracker on the site that will capture all info about the user. Something like HitBox. That will show you where they are comming from.

I have had this happen, and it was simply a post on a forum that went something like this:

"I found a neat LCARS sute HERE the other day. Looks like he is using it to control his house!

The board must have been popular, as I got a LOT of hits from it.
I wrote special software to track the referers etc, but there was nothing unusual. The only thing I didn't look at were the google search results as we get thousands of them, but still hard to believe that they all found the site using the same news.google.com article or keyword.