Why is my PC Access always off-line?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I recently moved to a home that has an OP2 with one keypad plus two OmniTouch 5.7e. It took me almost three weeks to search and learn (mostly from Cocoontech) to figure out how to set up the whole system since it is my first time to even hear about HAI...Luckily, now all the HAI products work fine. But I still have a problem when using Dealer PC Access 3 (or PCA). I am a Mac user, so I installed PCA via Parallels Desktop. But whenever I open it, it shows "OFF-LINE" on bottom-right corner of the window, even though my laptop is connected to the internet via Wi-Fi. Also, if I click "Options" on top bar, the "Network" option is grayed out. Can anyone help me on how to properly use PCA?

Thanks for your help!
Welcome zwyll.
The "Off-line" means you are not connected to the OmniPro2. Have you entered the configuration info in Dealer PC Access under Options then Network?
Thank you Dwalt. I couldn't even do that because the "Network" option is greyed out (see attached photo).


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In Parallels, do you need to assign the Mac network port to be visible?
Rather than using Parallels you'll be better off using cheap compact PC with Win 10. Wait until Black Friday and they will be well under $100. Not much more than that today for the specs you need, which is basically none.
I have run Oracle Virtual box (XP) on a MAC for use with PCA. Works fine.
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