Please Help! After reading over 50 pages of forum posts on somewhat relevant topics, I've decided to come to you experts for help. Unlike the many posts indicating VERY poor life of Insteon devices, I have a modest installation of about 30 devices and 25 of those are about 10 years old and working fine (lucky right?)
Well, I am now trying to replace a failed ToggleLinc 2466S with a new switch of same type. I'm running Elk M1G with the M1XSP configured with the Insteon firmware and linked to a Powerlinc Controller 2414S. I am very pleased with performance and life of the total system to now. I find, however, that my new ToggleLinc won't respond to On/Off commands with either the Elk or my PowerHome2 software. After much research I find that the new switches have a new engine (think it's i2 or i2CS). Since the PLC is very old (V2 Rev 1.9) I also purchased a new PowerLinc Modem 2413S. The new PLM and the new Togglelinc (as well as all the other 30 or so devices) work fine through the PowerHome2 software. Apparently, however, the PLM does not talk to the M1XSP. In fact, after reading the M1XSP manual for the umpteenth time it specifically states a PLC is required.
Is there a way to use the PLM 2413S with the M1XSP? Are there special jumper settings or Elk Globals required?
In searching the SmartHome web site, I can't even find an offering of a PLC 2414S. Even if I could find a direct replacement, would a new PLC 2414S control the new ToggleLinc with I2 or I2CS engine?
Am I stuck with going to the ISY994i? Is that the better solution?
Yeah, I know, going to UPB or something else would probably best.
Any help will be appreciated.
Well, I am now trying to replace a failed ToggleLinc 2466S with a new switch of same type. I'm running Elk M1G with the M1XSP configured with the Insteon firmware and linked to a Powerlinc Controller 2414S. I am very pleased with performance and life of the total system to now. I find, however, that my new ToggleLinc won't respond to On/Off commands with either the Elk or my PowerHome2 software. After much research I find that the new switches have a new engine (think it's i2 or i2CS). Since the PLC is very old (V2 Rev 1.9) I also purchased a new PowerLinc Modem 2413S. The new PLM and the new Togglelinc (as well as all the other 30 or so devices) work fine through the PowerHome2 software. Apparently, however, the PLM does not talk to the M1XSP. In fact, after reading the M1XSP manual for the umpteenth time it specifically states a PLC is required.
Is there a way to use the PLM 2413S with the M1XSP? Are there special jumper settings or Elk Globals required?
In searching the SmartHome web site, I can't even find an offering of a PLC 2414S. Even if I could find a direct replacement, would a new PLC 2414S control the new ToggleLinc with I2 or I2CS engine?
Am I stuck with going to the ISY994i? Is that the better solution?
Yeah, I know, going to UPB or something else would probably best.
Any help will be appreciated.