Would anyone be interested in a snow depth sensor?


New Member
Chris Nafis made his own ultrasonic snow depth sensor last year and the first trials were a success.


I'm wondering how many of you 1-wire users would be interested in something like this for snow depth or water level measuring purposes. If there was enough interest in this maybe Eric could develop a slightly less expensive board than the one Chris purchased?

Just curious.
dendrite said:
Chris Nafis made his own ultrasonic snow depth sensor last year and the first trials were a success.


I'm wondering how many of you 1-wire users would be interested in something like this for snow depth or water level measuring purposes. If there was enough interest in this maybe Eric could develop a slightly less expensive board than the one Chris purchased?

Just curious.
I think the sensor would be more accurate if it used a 1-wire temperature sensor to calculate the speed of sound.

I still like the IR sensor for smaller amounts of snow.

The both use the same rabbit board.
Another method may be to use a Maxbotix Ultrasonic sensor shown HERE (used for measuring salt level in a water softener, but concept should be the same for snow).
Somewhat old topic but it certainly peaked my interest.

I'm looking fo a way to measure water level in a lake and capture the info to a computer via serial or?
Good evening,
(Sorry for my English it is about a translator)

I reside in mountain and am satisfied with the detector height of snow with Nafis, that functions correctly with the software Weather Display.
