Wserver, anyone using it with the HB Hardware?


Active Member
I've tested 3 pieces of one wire software so far.

Weather Display is huge, bloated, confusing, has way too many bells and whistles, and hard to figure out but, it is the only one of the 3 softwares I tested that actually reads all my Hobby board sensors and reports the data properly. I have the trial version but I don't really want Weather Display.

I like wserver the best so far, looks like it can do everything I need and it's simple. Is anyone one here using the wserver software?
I can't get it to display my humidity sensor data?

I set up several web pages with screen shots to make it easy for people to see what I mean.

Go here for the main page and then you can go to harware, one wire viewer and wserver pages from there.

click here for My one wire page

Thanks for any help.
Ok, I emailed Arne Henrikson (author of wserver) and he was kind enough to reply and get my humidity sensor working.

wserver one wire software link

You have to manually edit the sensors.ini file to get the Hobby Boards humidity sensor working.


The temp and humidity are working great now with wserver.

It's such a nice simple little program.
Weather Display is such a huge bloated program, I decided not to use it.

wserver was just what I was looking for.

I'm going to add a Hobby Boards Barometer and rain gauge next.
maybe a wind gauge.

Check out my simple weather page using Hobby boards sensors and wserver.
Simple one wire weather page
I found WServer a few months ago and love it. Like you say, it isn't bloated, and always loads and works perfectly for me. I have several temp sensors, a humidty sensor, weather station and rain gauge attached to mine.
Any information I need from it I just access it's XML webpage and screen scrape what I need. It has worked flawlessly for me.
Thanks Rich,
I'm giving wserver a go, I love the simplicity. :P

It was unbelievable how huge weather display was, and how much system resources it consumed. I uninstalled the the trial version. :D

I am running two other servers on this machine and so I needed a piece of software that can share resources properly. ;)

What do you mean by screen scrape the xml? :unsure:

See ya
I really like WServer myself and Arne is a great guy. The thing I don't like is that he seems to have stopped developing it so some of our newer sensors aren't supported.

EL34 said:
What do you mean by screen scrape the xml? :unsure:
WServer has an option to have an XML type webpage served up by it's webserver.
I use Homeseer for my HA and have a script that I use that loads that XML webpage and parses out the data I want and puts it into Homeseer devices. From there I can access it for HA events or for displaying it on my own webpages.
Here's what the first part of the XML webpage WServer gives me:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <weather>
- <timestamp>
- <provider>
<name>WServer - 20.05.2005</name>
- <temperatures>
- <temperature>
<description>Front (in shade)</description>
- <current>
- <max>
- <min>
I load the webpage and here's the part of the script I use to parse out that first temperature:
startpt = "Front (in shade)"
startpt2 = "<current>"
startpt3 = "<value>"
endpt = "</value>"
length = len(startpt3)
length2 = len(endpt)
startpos = Instr (webpage, startpt) ' Finds the beginning of current temperature
startpos = Instr ( startpos , webpage, startpt2)
position = Instr ( startpos , webpage, startpt3)
endpos = Instr (position,webpage, endpt) ' Finds the end of current temperature
if endpos > 1 then temperature_string=Round(Mid (webpage, position + length , endpos - (position + length) ))
temperature_string then contains the value of the temperature out by my front porch
Hey Rich,
What lanuage you using to do that parsing?

I have dabbled in Perl for a quite a while, I was contemplating taking the Wswever text data files, parsing them and creating longer peroad graphs than the stock 24 hour graphs and then using that data on my web page.

Hey Eric, I just ordered your Barometer and rain gauge.
Tell me that wserver will read those sensors properly.

I just paypal'd Arne $35 for wserver.
EL34 said:
Hey Rich,
What language you using to do that parsing?

I have dabbled in Perl for a quite a while, I was contemplating taking the Wswever text data files, parsing them and creating longer peroad graphs than the stock 24 hour graphs and then using that data on my web page.

I just paypal'd Arne $35 for wserver.
It's VBScript. Homeseer's 'older' versions (1.x) used that and that's what I'm used to using for simple scripts.