X-10 Protector Plus


Active Member
With my church currently in the process of building a theater in their basement, the issue of security has risen. As of right now, there is no security, but I beleive they are going to change out the current door knobs with ones that have locks.

After thinking of a way to secure the room even more I remembered the X-10 Protector Plus system. It comes with 4 door contacts, which will be able to cover the 2 doors and possibly door to the equipment cabinet itself. It also has 2 sirens (One on the main pannel and one plug in), along with a motion detector that I may or may not use. A lamp module is also included, but I think I will probably set the pannel to send an X-10 that launches a Scene to turn on the lights in the room.

Has anyone had any experience with this system? I don't think I will set it up to call people, the noise should scare anyone off, and I am not sure where the nearest phone jack is. I beleive the main issue would be the false alarms with people going in and out. To remedy that, I think I'll order a few extra remotes and make sure that only people that should have access to the theater have them.

Any comments? In your opinion, are locks on the doors enough for the theater? Is this the right security system for the job? I think this one gives the most bang for the buck and we don't need anything fancy like an ELK.