X10 a outdoor fountain switch


Any advice on retrofitting a outdoor fountain switch? Basically it looks like a big outdoor whether-proof switch - I'm sure it has the usual ground/load/line wires. What are my options for hooking this up to X10? Are there any outdoor X10 siwtches?

I bought 2 of these kits from SmartHome. They out door modules work perfectly but have to be "programmed" using the freewire remote. I've had one of them in direct weather for almost a year now and it keeps going and going .....

For my pool I just used a standard decora style X-10 relay type switch in a weatherproof outlet box with a decora style weatherproof door on it (the kind used for an outside GFCI outlet). This is in it's third season wthout any problems, and it is otherwise unprotected from the elements.
Rich Masson said:
For my pool I just used a standard decora style X-10 relay type switch in a weatherproof outlet box with a decora style weatherproof door on it (the kind used for an outside GFCI outlet). This is in it's third season wthout any problems, and it is otherwise unprotected from the elements.
I did the same thing and still works great after 4 years.
I have same outdoor GFCI box and X10 light dimmers feeding my lakeside dock and boat ramp lighting. This is so I can turn the lights on / off from an incoming boat past dusk if they are not on already.

I even hit them with a pressure washer to keep the bugs off them and they still keep ticking.

I have this circuit:
Power panel
underground wire (UF grade)
plastic conduit
Grey covered box
GFCI (this is important for outdoor!)
X10 switch
Back into plastic conduit
Light string

Once in a while the GFCI has tripped due to water intrusion, but a quick reset and back in business. Better that than someone getting zapped!
Yes, they would work also. Curious how they make a water-tight seal with the plug that you would use with them.

The only disadvantage over what I posted that I can see is if you would have to use them to power a wall-wart (in my case the wall-wart is under the rain tight cover).
They do not make a water tight seal but that doesn't seem to be a factor. I plug 4 or 5 extension cords into these devices at Christmas and they seem to work week after week laying directly in the weather. Heck for that matter I have an X10 appliance module laying on the ground controlling one of my sprinkler zones and it's been there since April and it continues to work perfectly. I really need to at least place a baggie over this one but I keep forgetting.