Doesn't it seem a little overboard to be suing? Wouldn't it be easier to just return the unit from wherever he bought it and exchange it for another one?
On the other hand I remember friends with the PS1 who had to turn them upside down because the little venting on the bottom wasn't sufficient to keep it cool. But I don't remember anyone suing Sony because of the poor design.
It sounds to me more like someone is peeved off from standing in line for hours or paying $800.00 on eBay for a first gen piece of hardware.
It appears they are claiming that EVERY unit has the problem. The suit is trying to force Microsoft to recall and repair every one. I suspect the plaintiffs would have gone through a couple of units before they could get to this point.
I have seen internal photos of the Xbox 360 and it looks like they have lots of cooling in it. Like a large shroud with fans and from the description. Some liquid cooling heatskinks?
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