Model in the loop?


Active Member
Hello, since introducing variable names was declined, I'm still searching for a sustainable coding solution, having self documenting capability, for quick prototyping control algorithms.
Once I was using http stack with python, reading and addressing the WC, now I'm targeting some visual modelling tools. Any experience?
Each processor, not matter MAC or PC, Linux or Windows, its processor executes code that are fixed in memory locations. Variables in program after compiler will be allocated memory space to execute.  Same in the WebControl firmware. It has its own dynamic allocated memory space for execute TCP stack, PLC program, etc. The PLC program itself is fixed in certain memory location during execution. 
That does not stop anyone to develop his own high level language to interpret or compile into PLC code, in his own high level language, he can assign variables. This part of work can not be burdened on the little CPU on the WebControl board, it should be on users' computer, so that PLC code can execute fast enough for most real time handling.
Sorry Model in the loop means:
loop is WC, for data acquistion, control of the system
Model in PC representing the system
The PC is using a RESTful interface with the WCs
In the end the Model is simplified and transferred to the WC, constants will reside in UROM.