Update to Ubuntu 19.04


Anyone try Ubuntu 19.04 yet?
I updated one laptop last week.  Ubuntu folks removed the old desktop / items et al.
I was able to restore my desktop except nothing worked.
So today backed up home directory files and reinstalled Ubuntu 18.04 LTS from scratch.
Originally had upgraded laptops from Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04 (and servers here).

Suggested tweaks to standard Ubuntu 18.04 LTS desktop (note these are optional)

1 - Minimize on click

Run this command in a terminal window

gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock click-action 'minimize'

2 - move the Ubuntu dock to the bottom of the screen.

To do this open Settings > Dock and set your desired position from the drop-down menu provided.
3 - Unlock hidden settings with ‘Tweaks’
Use software installer and install "gnome tweaks"
4 - Explore GNOME Extensions
Here primarily utilize....