Premise UPB Updates

Motorola Premise


Senior Member
John - did you ever get anywhere with the UPB driver additions?

The only other way that I can see to make it work is to get the X-10 to UPB translator and send X-10 commands. But I don't have a clue as to how reliable that is. Might be worth a try though.

Sorry this is taking so long. I've got the source code for the driver, but I've been told it was built using a custom development environment that I don't have. It looks pretty straightforward to add new device types, but I can't do it without the right build environment.

Sorry about that.
PLEASE! No need to apologize. I think it's great that you've looked into it at all.

Curious, what build environment?
I'm not exactly sure what's unique about it. I guess it was how the Premise folks wrote device drivers prior to publishing their Software Development Kit (SDK). Writing code is usually only part of the problem. You have to write the code in a way that the system around it (the environment) understands. There's usually some magic involved ;)
I have build environment for VS6 drivers. Is it earlier than this?

Do you have the first sdk, or is this something special you got from the Premise
The first SDK. I have build environment for VS6 and VS2005. It shouldn't be too complicated to convert to one of the two.


Ok I have upb.dll building in VS2005 but I am seeing "Error: Subsystem not registered." on driver load even after running regsvr32 on it. So I'm missing something. When I sort it out I'll post project. Unless of course you want to chase this :)

In the near future I may allocate space on my SVN server to host some of these drivers. This would speed this sort of thing up.

I think may be seeing IE7 DLL issues.

Here's the link to upb VS2005 project. See if upb.dll will load for you. If so then - "The IE7 Strikes Back".


I'm seeing the same error on loading of the DLL. I wonder if there is an older library that's needed to build the driver. Have you tried linking to the 1.1 version of the SDK libraries instead of the 2.1 version?


Do you have IE7 installed? If not, perhaps rebuild dll and try installation.

The other item to try is run Depends.exe on the dll. In my case I have missing resources. IE7 is the issue for me.

I got the port to load with some edits. I also built with IE7 uninstalled.

I will post updated project if you like.

Is there still interest in an AXB-NET driver? I may find time to schedule writing this in the next four/five months.
