Recent content by bcrawfo2

  1. B

    Mount switch inside structured media cabinet

    Looking for ways others mount a small switch inside a structured media cabinet. I have an ON-Q cabinet, but the switches they sell are VERY expensive. My switches have the little keyholes in the back, but I don't want to drill into the back of my media cabinet. Other than the obvious...
  2. B

    Structured wiring can compatability/On-Q ethernet depth

    Thanks Jamie. That was the most frustrating quest for information. I ended up with an On-q enclosure. Now I'll go look at any different modules the Grayfox has. Have a great day.
  3. B

    Structured wiring can compatability/On-Q ethernet depth

    I'm going to install a structured wiring enclosure in my basement for my growing cat5 farm. I'm wonder which manufacturer's modules work in other manufacturer's cans. ie...can I take a Channelvision module and put in an On-q enclosure? Can I take a Leviton module and put in an On-q...