Recent content by dbuckley

  1. D

    One zone, two areas

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I cant upload images, so some ASCII art of the genesis of the problem: +-------------------+--------------------+ | | | | | | | Area A | Area B...
  2. D

    One zone, two areas

    Hi Folks, thanks for the input. What I've now come to realize is that I don't fully understand how this would all work in practice yet; I've put the technology cart before the user convenience horse.  I don't have a clear perspective on how this world work for the users.    The first issue is...
  3. D

    One zone, two areas

    Hi, first post question, about M1G, which is on a (very) short list of replacement systems for an alarm system that has become end-of-life.  I'm hoping going with M1G will fulfill many of our desires, and resolve a few bodgy workarounds.  So...   We have a pair of doors that join two areas...