Recent content by grtaylor

  1. G

    Motion -> Elk M1 -> ISY994 -> Light Switch (Insteon/Zwave) Response Time

    I do this, using Elk motions to set a variable, and a program in ISY to switch on a scene with a lamplinc. Slightly less than a second I'd say.
  2. G

    M1XEP MAC Address changed

    I got a detailed reply from Elk. I;m happy with this, I'm leaving mine as-is.   From Elk:   The MAC address is stored in FLASH memory which is considered non-volatile, but FLASH can be overwritten due to some spurious action of the microprocessor.  This can be caused by power transients, brief...
  3. G

    M1XEP MAC Address changed

    My MAC went from 00:40:9D:7E:7B:E3 to 00:40:9D:43:35:97 - and set itself with a static IP address of Not even the subnet I use anywhere at home.
  4. G

    M1XEP MAC Address changed

    Mine did this too yesterday. I disconnected power from it to move it to a UPS backed supply and when it came back up I couldn't find it.   I used the XEP Find to rediscover it, with a static IP set in a 192.168.3.x network (I use 192.16.1.x on my network) and a new MAC. I updated the MAC for the...
  5. G

    Smoke/CO and Elk/Insteon

    I did some digging. Three of the smokes are actually placed over 120 circuits, but are battery only units. So that's somewhat reassuring. Though these are just plain 120, so I still need wireless comms to let the panel know of an issue, all I'm really avoiding is the battery dependency.   Thanks...
  6. G

    Smoke/CO and Elk/Insteon

    I understand that's the correct solution if you were doing an install for someone, no question. So you wouldn't use wireless smokes such as the Elk units? Or any wireless heat/CO detectors? Reliability issues, or just gut feeling that wired is better (which it is in an ideal world, no question)...
  7. G

    Smoke/CO and Elk/Insteon

    In two of the locations I believe, but not all. significant remodeling went on and it appears that was one thing that got removed.
  8. G

    Smoke/CO and Elk/Insteon

    Yes, getting wire to all the locations I want the detectors would be very destructive.
  9. G

    Smoke/CO and Elk/Insteon

    I've been using 4 of the combined smoke/co First Alert Onelink for the last year or two coupled with the Insteon Smoke Bridge to turn all the lights on, get email notification etc, and that's all been fine up to now.   Now I have an Elk M1 and (think) I want to switch to using the Elk smoke/heat...
  10. G

    Elk relay clicks on/off at random intervals

    And as usual I'd say DELInstallations is right. I hooked up my IPDatatel CBAT and it seems to be happy now. Thanks, just wanted to be sure.
  11. G

    Elk relay clicks on/off at random intervals

    I just wondered if anyone could explain this. I have my new M1 Gold set up in the office while I program and test (play) it, and keep hearing it turn a relay on and off by the sound of it. At random times. The same noise it makes after I disconnect Elk RP I'd say.   There's no telephone line...
  12. G

    Re-Use Telephone Wiring?

    Ah, that makes sense. Thanks RAL.
  13. G

    Re-Use Telephone Wiring?

    Thanks for the feedback guys. I was expecting a barrage of 'rip open the walls and the attic and run the cable you cheapskate' so that's good news :-)   I wasn't sure what current the speaker would pull, and yes both the strobe and the outdoor speaker are the Elk units. ELK-1RT and ELK-SL1.  ...
  14. G

    Re-Use Telephone Wiring?

    I bought a house with an old alarm wired up that I'm now replacing with an Elk.   The old system was wired exclusively with 6 conductor 24ga telephone wire by the look of it, and the only bit I want to re-use (as re-cabling to this location would be a nightmare) (and I'm doing Elk wireless...