Recent content by kamikazekarl

  1. K

    [Article] Warehouse 13

    I didn't know ELK had a Portuges/Spanish library?   I want one. Hopefully it isn't brand specific.   It would come in handy when customers forget their master code. 
  2. K

    HAI RFID access system, how secure is it?

    Your post is intriguing. What do you plan on using the Data Bender for? The HAI Readers all connected in "parallel" to the same serial port.  The only thing I can think of is decrypting the rs-485 data for integrating another system into the Omni.
  3. K

    HAI RFID access system, how secure is it?

    LOL data hacking.  I wouldn't sweat any data hacking vulnerablity, I've installed Commercial Access control systems for 15 years and haven't seen it yet. The Card Duplication issue does bother me though. All in all nobody is that determined to steal your stuff, when cutting a phone/cable...
  4. K

    HAI Access Control Readers

    Just an observation, but you might want to check the back of the reader and wiring harness for moisture.    An old electrician once taught me that any air leak will have a condensation point. This is true for Cold and Hot Weather installations. In the winter the interior air condensates on the...