Recent content by RandyKnight

  1. R

    Garage Dead Bolt

    Why not just include garage door contacts in your security system?
  2. R

    How to wire Insteon switches for 3-way circuit?

    btw and somewhat off-topic, redneck electricians don't understand this no matter how many times you explain it. I had to redo all my slave switch wiring because they just didn't get it. :unsure:
  3. R

    Why is insteon so infamous?

    Count me in as a happy Insteon user. I've posted lots about this in other threads but I have over 100 loads and have had no problems. Guess I'm lucky. When building my house, I evaluated both UPB and Insteon and ultimately went with Insteon due to the UPB delay. Some poeple don't care ... we...
  4. R

    Rain8 up and running

    Well I came to my senses and deciced to order some Rain8Net boxes for my sprinklers rather than going with the M1 relays/outputs. Ordered 3 of them ... had some issues the first time around but WGL was great to work with on the RMA and got everything working for me. Installed the 3 modules +...
  5. R

    Jandy Aqualink rs Serial Adapter

    I didn't install anything besides the brain and the serial adapter when I put my pool in so I can't say for sure, but my understanding is that the PDA, control panel for in the house, and the serial adapter are all "clients" to the brain. And you can have multiple of them. Panel in the house...
  6. R


    We did the entire envelope system in Icynene. As well as high-end windows with a thermal break and a special glass that reflects heat. And a SEER 19 HVAC system. Between the windows and the Icynene, the HVAC guy did his heat load calculations like 3 times because he couldn't believe that we...
  7. R

    Front End for HomeSeer 2.x based system

    I fought with NetRemote and hsGirder for about an hour and gave up after it locked up HomeSeer a few times. Haven't really decided yet. I'm going to use this as an excuse to really dive into .net 3.5 technologies such as Ajax, WPF, maybe even SilverLight. I'm goint to start out with some...
  8. R

    Front End for HomeSeer 2.x based system

    I certainly didn't mean to start a MainLobby war. :) But it appears I'm not the only one that finds the UI painful.
  9. R

    Help me compare UPB switches

    The delay is the 90% of the reason I went Insteon in my new house. Couldn't stand it.
  10. R

    Front End for HomeSeer 2.x based system

    Like I said, I think MainLobby is a great program with lots going for it. And I'm not trying to bash it in any way. I just found the designer tedious for me is all, which is admittedly biased based on my development background. I'm sure it's great for installers / end users. And I'm sure...
  11. R

    Repair defective Insteon switches

    Seriously, the whole failure /reliability thing seems like an Internet myth to me. Not saying that it is and I'm sure those of you who have had issues are not making them up. But my stuff has been rock solid. KeyPadLincs OTOH have sucked for me. The interesting thing is they don't "Fail"...
  12. R

    Front End for HomeSeer 2.x based system

    The biggest issue is I use the Location and Location2 fields differently than TouchPad wants you to. Plus I needed and excuse to get off my butt and learn AJAX and upgrade my skillset to .NET 3 anyway. I don't do web development at work anymore, but I lead projects with web dev's on them so I...
  13. R

    Front End for HomeSeer 2.x based system

    I can take another look at it but when I did (a while ago) I was pretty unimpressed. Lack of customization, etc.
  14. R

    Repair defective Insteon switches

    Maybe I'm just lucky but I've had 100+ switches installed for over a year and have yet to have a SwitchLinc fail.
  15. R

    Front End for HomeSeer 2.x based system

    Making it a customizable UI with a design tool is a lot bigger deal than what I'm talking about. I'm talking about just coding my own UI.