Create a lock page in Automation Studio


New Member
Hello Everyone
I Have an Omni ProII system that I recently added four Zwave locks to the system. Everything is working on Snaplink and Haiku. I now need to create a lock page in Automation Studio. I can't say I'm the most creative at designing pages, but understand how to do them. The issue I have is that I downloaded and added (to the image gallery), two simple PNG 128X128 padlock icons. One is locked the other is open. In automation studio, when I run the simulator, I can get the actual locks to lock and unlock. However, I can't get the icons to change to the appropriate icon. I can't seem to make this happen. Anyone out there who can help me out? It would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I forgot to mention that I am using status buttons to attempt to make this happen.
i dont have access to AS right now to verify the prper terminology, but.

You want to use a status icon.
You import the two images, assign the states to each one and assign actions when pressed to each image.

The state selects the proper icon to display.

So if the locks are locked, the locked icon will be dislayed.
The action whe n pressed assigned to this icon should be the unlock command.

When it is pressed, the locks will unlock, change the state, the unlocked icon will display.
Assign the lock command to this icon.

The individual icons and actions are set up in the popup window accessed through the "Collections" item in the properties area at the bottom right.