Geospring water heater control.

Any body had any experience interfacing with the communications module on a Geospring hybrid electric water heater? I am hoping that there is a simple contact closure way to set back temperature or put it in vacation mode. I am in an all electric home with a time of use rate that makes it very inexpensive to run the water heater frim midnite to 6am, and VERY expensive to run it during the day.
My alternatve is a contactor on the 240 volt power to this water heater.
It appears that the ACM is some type of serial communication, so you'd have to reverse engineer it. That is, if you can even get your hands on one.
I had some time to think this through and I am thinking about adding a temp sensor to the logic. That way I can spoof a setback mode and still limit most of the water heater "on time" to my super off peak rate. I plan on setting the water heater to 120 F and only running it during the midnite to 6AM period. I will put a temp sensor on the hot water out pipe and set an automation trigger if temp gets below, say 110, then turn on water heater. I will have to play with the actual overide temperature to prevent the water heater from cycling too much during the daytime peak rates.
I have a Omni IIe and found some 30Amp contactors that should work off the one of the 12 volt outputs.
Is the problem one of not knowing how to code it, or with the module itself? I just bought and installed the Geospring over Thanksgiving weekend and am very happy with it, but I don't write code of any type and can't find enough free time to learn. I hope to teach myself some rudimentary javascript, but free time is scarce so if the issue is coding I suspect we're in the same boat. I wonder what it would cost to hire someone to tackle a basic interface that could be controlled and perhaps monitored via whatever platform we're using (e.g., Elk, ISY, etc.)? Even a basic web interface might work...