Notifier 320


Hello pros, I have a new customer w/a Notifier NSF 320e Fire panel. I am looking to program new devices/descriptions and dialer programming. Previously someone here provided a link to a site that has programming info and software for downloading. Does anyone know where I can find this software? Or at the very least a programming manual? I thank you and my customer thanks you.

Not something that can be done. You'll need Verifire tools, and without that, you're really dead in the water with the exception of hand programming (limited). Any version of Verifire tools you may find online is definately not the latest version and you'll have issues with the DB revision levels and compliance issues (liability).

To get the latest version of Verifire, you'll need to be a dealer and have a valid training certificate # for that year, otherwise it'll lock you out without those credentials. You won't be able to really find documentation online for those panels either. I have some older revisions here if there's a specific question you need answered.

I believe Verifire tools is at a 6.X revision now. The last one without the license requirements was a 5.7X rev.