Post editor


Active Member
Does the posting editor act flaky for other people? 
I'm using firefox.
Sometimes I'll hit the delete key and one or more lines will get wiped out.
It seems to happen mostly when something is pasted into the editor.
I usually have similar experience when dealing with quotes.
That said, I have had issues with not being able to edit a post that I've submitted before as well... where I would click the Edit button, you could tell that the page recognized it, but it wouldn't load the editor.
Could we PLEASE have a generic text editor and not this overly complicated one?  More often than not it just gets in the way.  If not a plain text box, at least one that doesn't try to do live editing with formatting?  This is infuriatingly tedious when dealing with quoting others properly.  Some of us are fine with doing PHPcode [bracket] tagging, give us a way to do it!
Ah, the joys of obscure icons, that works.  It'd be nice to have that as a selectable default option in our profiles.
I was going to say the little light switch works for me most of the time.
Also, if you inadvertently delete a line, sometimes Ctrl-z works to put it back. (Undo)