Read values from MIT App Inventor (how to do it?)


Hi all!
I'm writing an interface through MIT App Inventor 2, but i can't read values of variables.
I can easily set vars calling "webviewer" (set hidden previously into interface), but through "web" i am not able to read anything.
Everytime (even if i remove password) i cannot read nor input neither output, nothing.
I tried every syntax i can imagine, so any help appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
Not familiar with MIT App Inventor2, which is a platform for people to build apps.
For anything talking to WebControl, it needs to use HTTP GET protocol. Could you please check what was the "web" call actually doing?
On PC running Windows and Linux, you could use TCPdump or wireshark to watch all the data going back and forth. Not sure with this MIT App Inventor, could it allow you to enter a debug mode on PC, so that you can track command sending out to WC board?