Siri Voice Control for Elk via HomeBridge and Elkington


I have just committed a change to the HomeBridge project which builds off the wonderful reverse engineer HomeKit protocol work that was done for HAPNode-JS. The HomeBridge allows you to define a platform and accessories to communicate with via Siri.
I have this working on a Raspberry Pi 2 - my basic steps were to
 1. apt-get install nodejs 
 2. apt-get install build-essential
 3. apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
 4. git clone homebridge (follow installation instructions on the page)
 5. modify the config-sample.json and copy to config.json
 6. run "npm run start"
I hit a couple snags along the way. For example, I hit this error and used the solution that was proposed:
Create a new ELKM1 accessory, set your zone, pin, M1XEP host and port. You can set what mode you want. The "name" is how you communicate with Siri, so you can create 3 accessories
name: "Arm Away"
name: "Arm Night"
name: "Arm Stay"
And then you can say "Siri turn on Arm Away".
When ios9 comes out you will be able to do more with alarms, so I will probably rewrite it to work with that.
If you get stuck or have any feedback let me know.