Haiku Weather inaccuracies in Haiku - possible cause


This may be old news, but I don't recall seeing this discussed before so I thought I'd go ahead and report an observation.  Over the years of using Haiku I've had on and off problems with inaccurate weather information being displayed at the top of the screen.  Today while messing around with some network packet sniffing (on an unrelated project) I noticed a call to api.worldweatheronline.com, and it returned an error (429 API key has reached calls per day allowed limit.), so I'm wondering if perhaps this is what causes Haiku to seem to flake out with its current weather data?
I know Haiku is a dead product, but I'm still hoping that the "next" version of Space comes out some day, and if it's using the same weather data collection code, maybe this is something that could be addressed...