Recent content by that70shouse

  1. that70shouse

    Haiku Haiku/Space seem dead - what are you migrating to?

    I have paid to upgrade 1pass each and every time the developer required it. Fantastic app. Omnifocus... I'd make donations to their children, if they needed it. I certainly have never complained of a paid upgrade. Last time I checked both of those apps still "exist" on the app store and I'll pay...
  2. that70shouse

    Haiku Haiku/Space seem dead - what are you migrating to?

    Thanks @networkcrasher...  I updated the iPad first and homekit looks like a good start with some of the devices I already have installed so I updated my iPhone... haiku seems to be ok on iOS 10 so far... we'll see.  I'll be testing haiku until lup's big surprise and report if I have a...
  3. that70shouse

    Haiku Haiku/Space seem dead - what are you migrating to?

    @ haiku users  Anyone tested "formally known as haiku" with iOS 10 and "previously abandoned haiku helper" on MacOS 10.12? I would love to update but I depend on haiku daily and can't chance breaking them.      
  4. that70shouse

    Haiku Haiku/Space seem dead - what are you migrating to?

    @lup I would hope that those of us that $paid$ again for "space" (truth in naming, as  it WAS/IS a vacuum)... are not required to pay a third time. I don't mind supporting a developer but it's a two way street... tag... you're it.
  5. that70shouse

    Haiku Haiku is now Space, available shortly!

    I've never received  a "test" notification from any app before but that's good to know. The most important notifications on my iPhone are from Haiku and I need those to be very concise. 
  6. that70shouse

    Haiku Haiku is now Space, available shortly!

    I love your apps lup! Been with you from the start. Haiku helper has been flawless... I've been away from CT and was unaware of your new threads about Space. After such a long quiet time... following the CT Haiku changes thread (via email) with no signs of life... Then this happens...   Today...
  7. that70shouse

    Who would you like to have a Q&A session with?

    That sounds like a great way to kick off #tech room. lupinglade of Nullriver is so active here that there are few questions that he has not already answered but he'd be a great guest speaker. HAI, Lutron and Centralite would be on my short list of companies that I'd like to see in a live forum...
  8. that70shouse

    Edison Tech and HA

    I've been away for a while... Hope everyone is doing well on CT. Happy New Year! How do you think the pending phase out of incandescent bulbs affect legacy HA installations in the coming years? If installing a lighting system today, should we better plan for a future without Edison tech? If...
  9. that70shouse

    Haiku HAI and the iPAD

    The development and rapid update cycle of Haiku/HaikuHelper continues at a dizzying pace. Happy to see the new subforums. Thanks!
  10. that70shouse

    howdy from Detroit

    Hey Todd, welcome.
  11. that70shouse


    I also have Alarm Relay in one of my locations. They have been very fast to respond and good customer service for the price.
  12. that70shouse

    Please update your profile

    iTunes/AirPlay in Audio AppleTV/AirPlay in Video EyeTV in Video